Assessment Results 2022 – 2023
Early Years Foundation Stage
100% at expected level
Year 1 Phonics Test
100% pass
KS1 SATs Results
Writing (teacher assessment) 12% WT 88% EXS 25% GDS
Reading 0% WT 100% EXS 50% GDS
Maths 12% WT 88% EXS 63% GDS
KS2 SATs Results
Writing (teacher assessment) 50% WT 50% EXS
Reading 25% WT 75% EXS 50% GDS
Grammar, punctuation and spelling 25% WT 75% EXS 50% GDS
Maths 50% WT 50% EXS
Key to levels
WTS – working towards end of year expectations
EXS – secure in end of year expectations
GDS – is working at a greater depth in the end of year expectations
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